Friday, October 06, 2006


"For You will light my lamp; the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness."

God gave me this verse at the first of this week. I have been clinging to the promise it holds ever since. I didn't know when He would "light my lamp" and I didn't know what the light would reveal. I was simply assured that He would do it. I did know one thing it would show -- that He was right there with me, even when I was groping around in the dark, just as He is now, in the light.

I've always gotten a really beautiful mind-picture when I think/hear about a place being filled with light. Ya know, we "light" candles, "light up" Christmas trees, "brighten" rooms, the sun and moon "light" the sky.

And I like that. I love beauty -- I've always associated it with light. I hate "dark" rooms (unless I'm sleeping); I can't stand for lamps to be "turned off" in a house/store; moods that are "dark" scare me.

It's true that light is good. However, I think I have had that opinion based on the fact that what it revealed was something pretty. But it is also true that light reveals ugly things. Scary things. Challenges. Pain. Things we would rather not see, especially very clearly. But this does not make light any less of a good thing. It is still necessary -- even more so! And it can be the beginning to seeing something beautiful.

For me, the light that I prayed for revealed a challenge. It revealed a possibly long road ahead. It illuminated my heart -- areas I need to concentrate on, guard against.
I am very thankful for the light. I WANT to also be thankful for what it showed me. One blessing of it already is that it provided direction: I now know which way to go. That in itself brings joy and relief.

God provided the light, pointed me in the right direction, and now I can confidently follow that path, knowing that He will light the next dark way up ahead in His time, too.

I would appreciate your prayers, eyes are still adjusting a bit.

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