Sunday, November 19, 2006

November 9th: First day aboard ship

Yesterday we began our final leg of the journey to Jacksonville, FL. After leaving the hotel in Darien, Ga., we traveled a short ways to the ship dock and began the boarding process around 12:00pm. We (eventually) boarded, ate lunch, and my grandmother won the drawing for a free massage. Blake (my sister) gladly accepted the transfer of the certificate and stood in line to schedule it for the evening. We spent a while on the main deck as the boat set sail, around 4:00pm. Shortly before, we had a safety drill where they demonstrated how to put on a lifejacket in the "unlikely event of an emergency" and explained where to go and what the alarm sounded like if such an "event" occured.
I never should have watched The Titanic.

We were distracted from such encouraging thoughts, however, as we went back to our cabin and prepared for the evening meal. Once we found our assigned dining room and were seated, the head waiter seated two other women at the same table. It was a lively meal. For one, the ship began to shift gears as we picked up more speed in the open waters. The motor was directly beneath our table -- nevermind that we were on the 9th deck. The vibration, coupled with the increase in motion, certainly made you remember you were on a boat! The conversation was also very exciting. Our table companions were sisters, 2 years apart in age; one a gentle, passionate, conservative Christian and the other a hillarious, free-thinking, muslim. The latter sat beside my grandmother and her sister sat next to me. It was entertaining to say the least -- and inspiring. Inspiring to love and pray this precious lady into Jesus' arms. Inspiring to see the faith her sister has of this happening. I'm so thankful there's no such thing as coincidences. Life has so much excitement and opportunity and beauty when we remember that.

The meal was delicious, the table setting overwhelming, the waiters extremely attentive and proffessional. From the dining room we went to the Astoria lounge to hear Brother's Keeper in concert. They are such a gifted, heart-felt, passionate group of guys. I plan to buy a CD today. All of the songs they sang were great...two in particular brought tears and thankful praise from my heart. I will post the lyrics to one later but for now it will suffice ot say the words were straight from God's heart to mine. So appropriate, so beautiful.

After the concert concluded and we enjoyed a short appearance by George and Laura Bush (impersonators, of course), Blake and I proceeded to the Island in the Sky room to hear Karen Kingsbury speak. That woman is amazing. The heart and gifts God has given her are beautiful and reach and impact so many lives. She spoke on victory in life's battles, the heart of our Father and our own hearts during those battles. More tears. More praise.

I was exhausted in most every way by this point and promptly went to bed. I volunteered to sleep on the pullman bed; the vibration, felt even more when you're on something hanging from a wall, lulled me to sleep. I think I fell asleep was so fast I can't remember. I just know I had no idea what to expect the next day...and I love that!

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