"Taste and see that the LORD is good..."
Psalm 34:8a
As a result of a conversation with a friend today, and her sharing with me an experience that God used recently to bring this verse to life, He gave me a really cool analogy....
Ya know how when you see a picture of, let's say, an exotic dessert...or you see it displayed in a bakery case...many times you assume that it is good. Either because it holds an ingredient that you have tasted and know you like (chocolate, for instance), or someone else told you they liked it, or maybe simply because it is beautifully designed or has an inviting aroma -- but you feel pretty safe assuming it's a good dessert.
Think about it though: do you REALLY know that? Have you experienced it? Can you really know until you actually taste it?
I don't know about you, but I've tasted some pretty bland stuff that looks beautiful, and I've had some rather sloppy-looking concoctions that tasted amazing. If you can relate to this, which one would you automatically choose between if they were side-by-side: the one that you knew was delicious or the one that simply had a better appearance? And why would you probably choose that one? Because you KNOW that it is good; you have tasted it.
Now the other one may very well taste great. Might be really good. But until it's more than sight and/or smell, until you taste it, you simply cannot know for sure. Oh but when you do, when you dive in and experience it, you know. And every time you see it thereafter, it stands out. Seems to call to you.
This is a very imperfect analogy, I know, but there are some similarities that kind of helped me wrap my mind around the truth of the verse.
We can say that God is good. We can hear others say it and agree. Many of us have said it since we were small. But I'm afraid I sometimes keep it on the meaningfulness level of the childish poem/prayer: "God is great, God is good." Yeah, ok. He's good. Sure. I believe that.
But do I? Do I really know that -- or do I just know I am supposed to say it?
Like with the dessert picture, how can I know if I don't experience it? Is it something that I am assuming is true but too busy to stop and taste for myself? Or have I tasted it and now, every time I see it, I long to taste it again? Because I know. It's not just head knowledge. I know it.
One thing that is certain: Our Lord's goodness is all around us. Every day. Sometimes it just gets down to a decision to experience it. And above all else, amidst all else, the most glorious proof of His goodness stands tall: the Cross.
I encourage you to know, to experience -- to taste!! --and see that our God is so very good. Only then can this truth seep down into our souls and flow to every area of life.
Now with cakes and such, you may be disappointed sometimes. The result of tasting may be
seeing that it is actually a very bad creation, or a bad batch.
But never so with God. Each time you "taste and see"....it only gets better!
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